July 1, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
» CommentsLast Day in the UK
by: Boris
Boston, USA
A little late with this post, but the last few days have been busy with travel and household responsibilities.
The final morning before my flight home I visited the beautiful Kensington Gardens, and the Kensington Palace where many of the English royalty still live. At the palace I saw an exhibit of Princess Diana's dresses, the Queen's state apartments, the King's state apartments, and rooms associated with the childhood and reign of Queen Victoria. It was a great history lesson, and the rooms were quite beautiful, as one would expect. Below are a few photos but they are but a small snapshot and I highly recommend a visit to any persons finding themselves in London.
A final note: I have fixed the rotation issues with image uploads. It had to do with the orientation data stored in the EXIF metadata following the reduction in image size that takes place during uploads.
I shall try to write on this blog more frequently, but please do write a comment if you are reading. It is a good motivator.

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